Top 3 Root Causes of Digestive Issues

Top 3 Root Causes of Digestive Issues

Are you constantly battling with unresolved digestive issues that are affecting your quality of life? In some cases, special tests may be required to identify the root cause of your digestive problems. Here are the three most common root causes that can be identified through gut tests with Certified Personal Trainer and Nutritionist Lindsey Day of NuTriDay Fitness. 

1. Imbalanced levels of gut bacteria or sometimes fungi:

Sometimes this imbalance can be corrected with a whole foods diet rich in a diversity of plant-based fibers and probiotics. Sometimes antimicrobial or antifungal supplements or medications are needed to restore balance. You’ll spin your wheels until this is addressed and your gut microbes are rebalanced.

2. Imbalanced levels of Short Chain Fatty Acids (SCFAs):

SCFAs are signaling molecules produced by gut bacteria after feeding on the fiber we eat.  In other words, we eat fiber, bacteria eat this fiber and turn it into SCFAs. SCFAs are critical for a healthy gut lining, especially the SCFA, butyrate (Usuda et al., 2021). Paleo on the Go's nutrient-dense, AIP-compliant, and fiber-rich meals can be a good source of fiber, contributing to the production of these beneficial SCFAs.

3. A lack of digestive enzymes, stomach acid, or bile:

These digestive components are all absolutely needed to digest food. When undigested food particles go further down into the digestive tract, they serve as food for bacteria to feed on resulting in overgrowths and imbalanced bacterial levels. Most people are totally unaware that this is an issue for them! It’s more common than you’d think and creates major health issues!  Chronic digestive issues, nutrient deficiencies, fatigue and brain fog are likely to continue until these digestive elements are increased (Scarpellini et al., 2024).  

Heads up! These specialized gut tests are poop tests – which no one is ever really excited about, but at least you can do them from the comfort of your own home. The value of information gleaned from this test is worth the hassle!

You’ll want to find a qualified healthcare practitioner who is eligible to order one from a reputable company. I order tests from companies that are CLIA certified, meaning the company's laboratory meets the standards and regulations set by the Clinical Laboratory Improvement Amendments of 1988, ensuring accurate, reliable and timely test results.   


Schedule a free 15 minute call with Lindsey HERE to ask her your gut health questions.


Lindsey Day, the innovative founder of NuTriDay, is a certified nutritionist and personal trainer. With a diverse background in national-level bodybuilding and TV meteorology, she is passionate about improving gut and hormonal health. She uses research-based nutrition, fitness, and lifestyle techniques to enhance others' well-being. To work one-on-one with Lindsey and learn more, visit  

Are you interested in a customizable fitness and nutrition challenge program? Do you want to burn fat, build muscle, balance hormones and gut health, boost your energy, and improve your mental health? If so, you are the perfect candidate for the NuTriDay app developed by Lindsey Day! To learn more about her wellness app and the 12-week "Charge Up Challenge," visit her Instagram account @lindseydayfitness or the NuTriDay website

Scarpellini, E., Balsiger, L. M., Broeders, B., Houte, K. V. D., Routhiaux, K., Raymenants, K., Carbone, F., & Tack, J. (2024). Nutrition and Disorders of Gut-Brain Interaction. Nutrients16(1), 176.
Usuda, H., Okamoto, T., & Wada, K. (2021). Leaky Gut: Effect of Dietary Fiber and Fats on Microbiome and Intestinal Barrier. International journal of molecular sciences22(14), 7613.
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