aip halloween treat recipes

3 Real Food Halloween Treat Recipes for the Whole Family

It's Halloween - the time when kids get to be dress up, watch scary movies, and just have a spooky old time! However, holidays can be difficult when you are on a restrictive diets like the AIP and paleo, especially for the younger ones. That's why we've put together three great recipes you and your kids can make together this Halloween. They are all made with clean, real food ingredients. No preservatives or corn syrup here! (Note the first recipe contains eggs and the 2nd recipe contains chocolate and nuts)

Three Real Food Halloween Treat Recipes for the Whole Family

Paleo Pumpkin Spice Cake Pops

Paleo Pumpkin Spice Cake Pops (Contains Egg)

It seems a sure sign of fall when we are bombarded with pumpkin products and recipes. We bring you Pumpkin Spice Cake Pops. The difference here is that our recipe is gluten free and uses clean, real food. Make a batch then get the kids together to decorate them. We used fresh herbs but you can use what you like.


Paleo Almond Butter Chocolate Cups

Almond Butter Chocolate Cups (Contains Chocolate and Nuts)

Mmmmmmm peanut butter cups - I mean almond butter cups! These are Paleo and made from a simple list of real food and made with no legumes. Our Almond Butter Chocolate Cups are just as good as that brand name peanut butter cup. Again. they are a simple enough recipe to make that you can get the whole family involved.

 AIP Paleo Candy Corn Gummies

AIP/Paleo Candy Corn Gummies

Were you a fan of candy corn as a kid? Personally I never was, I just didn't get it. However, after trick or treating I always gave them to my mom because she loved them. These Candy Corn Gummies are both Paleo and AIP and taste nothing like the real deal, which is probably a good thing! Not a bad way to get your gelatin :)
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