Rutabaga Fettuccini with White Clam Sauce and Bottarga

Rutabaga Fettuccini with White Clam Sauce and Bottarga

Looking to diversify your vegetables and add a superfood to dinner? This recipe is packed full of flavor and definitely not your ordinary boring meal. However, don't let the variety of flavor fool you! It's not a complex meal to prepare.

Superfood Bottarga for Dinner!

If you love fish, or parmesan cheese (and you're looking for a substitute), it's time to start adding Bottarga to your recipes! It's delicious and adds flavor to the most basic meal. Our Rutabaga Zoodle dish isn't the most basic, but it is awesome!


AIP Rutabaga Fettuccini


  • 2 peeled rutabagas, spiralized with the fettucini or linguini blade
  • 4 dozen small clams, scrubbed
  • 1 cup ghee
  • 4 T. garlic minced
  • 2 T. Italian parsley chopped
  • 1 T. lemon zest
  • 1 oz piece of bottarga
  • 2 T. olive oil
  • Sea salt


  1. In large pot, put 1” water and lay all the clams inside, cover and bring to simmer steaming open the clams. Remove clams and set aside to cool. Discard any clams which did not open.
  2. Save clam steaming water and juices, and turn up heat to bring to simmer, then add garlic.
  3. When reduced by half, add ghee and lemon zest.
  4. Remove meat from clams (reserve any juices and put into the pot) and chop adding meat to clam juice- ghee mixture just to heat through. Do not cook them any further.
  5. In large sauté pan, add olive oil and heat until shimmering, add rutabaga noodles and sauté, adding a little water to steam them and cook them through until al dente. Season with sea salt.
  6. Portion the pasta out on 4 plates, ladling out equal portions of clam sauce over each plate of pasta.
  7. Sprinkle with fresh parsley and grate the bottarga over the top.
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