Meals That Heal 2020
What is Meals That Heal?
Meals that Heal is a program that has been near and dear to our hearts at POTG since 2015. Simply put, we let our customers nominate friends and family that they believe deserve a special, chef-crafted AIP Thanksgiving, completely free of charge. We understand that we have the unique ability to help those with very specific needs, in a way that no one else can. And, we certainly don’t take this responsibility lightly!
Meals That Heal History
We’ve been doing Meals that Heal for 5 years – 2020 will be our 6th year! It’s one of the things we’re most proud to be able to accomplish. We know how difficult it is for anyone with dietary restrictions to be able to enjoy a stress-free meal, with comforting food. Combine this with financial hardship, and it’s that much more burdensome.
Why We Do It
We read the stories you send in. Many of us at POTG are dealing with or have dealt with some sort of health issue related to food. It’s not easy.
That’s why this is so important to us. Even with unlimited funds, there’s nothing simple about dealing with an autoimmune condition. Factor in a rough year, and you’ve got a very tough situation. We’re honored to be able to do what we can to give back to those in need of this unique service, to make their holiday a little bit easier.
What we’re doing in 2020:
This year we couldn’t be more excited to be able to help 5 different families with dietary restrictions! Not only are we giving away 10 Thanksgiving Family Packs. We’ve partnered with Local & Turtle to be able to also include 5 organic, free range turkeys.